

商企云 | 2021-07-02 | 分享至:
本文是商企云网站制作公司关于网站页面的均衡规划与选择的思考,希望对大家有所帮助。 This paper is still product China website production company web page about the balance of the planning and the choice of the thinking, hope to be helpful to you. 1.尺寸(size) a)800*600能照顾到所有网友的电脑,但相当是张“小报”。 A) 800 * 600 can take care of all of the computer, but rather is a "tabloids". b)1024*768渐成主流。1024*768能比800*600多出一栏的信息。 B) 1024 * 768 gradually into the mainstream. 1024 * 768 * 600 more than 800 a column of the information. c)正文页采用自适应设计,能在正文页做更多相关内容。首页也可以尝试自适应的设计最好符合UEO。自适应设计的核心是要留出宽度伸缩自如的栏。 C) text page using adaptive design, can in the text pages do more related content. This is also can try to adaptive design with best UEO. The core of the adaptive design is to set aside width retractile column. d)在1024*76模式下,页面的长度不易超过10屏。 D) in 1024 * 76 mode, the length of the page is not easy to more than 10 screen. e)随着电脑升级换代,分辨率提高,电脑屏幕能够提供的面积越来越大,这是一种难得的资源,要充分利用。“小报”改“大报”要增加一倍的纸张成本,网站改“宽版”,不增加任何成本。 E) with the computer upgrade, improve the resolution, the area of the computer screen can provide more and more, this is a kind of rare resources, to make full use of. "Tabloids" change "broadsheet" to double the size of the paper cost, the website change "wide" version, not increase any cost. 2.字体字号(Font size) a)目录页用小字号,为的是放更多的标题。 A) directory page with small size, in order to put more title. b)正文页用大字号。为的是让读者读得舒坦。 B) the text page with big size. In order to make readers read too comfortable. c)慎用不容易看清楚的楷体。楷体的作用等于图片,主要起美化版面的作用。 C) careful not easy to see clear kai ti. Kai ti role equal to pictures, mainly on the role of beautification layout. d)多用对搜索引擎友好的标粗,来表示重点。 D) use to the search engine friendly standard thick, said to focus. 3.颜色(color) a)同一个页面的颜色不要超过4种。眼花缭乱,容易产生视觉疲劳。 A) the same page color don't more than four. Dazzling, easy to produce visual fatigue. b)颜色对比不要反差太大。网页版面不是美术作品,要避免形式对内容的喧宾夺主。 B) color contrast don't contrast is too big. Web page not art works, to avoid the content of the form of the sauce is better than the fish. c)文字+底色能够起到很好的突出作用,在视觉变化上相当于图片的作用。 C) text + impression can have very good prominent role, in the visual change as the role of the picture. 4.静态化(static) a)访问量大的页都应该静态化,以便减少服务器压力,增强网站稳定性。访问不到的网页是最差的网页。 A) traffic big page should be static, pressure to reduce the server, make web stability. Visit the web page is not the worst of web pages. b)动态化和静态化在一个页面中结合使用,能同时得到轻负荷和即时交互性的好处。 B) dynamic and static page in a combination of use, can also get light load and real-time interactive benefits. c)哪些页面的哪些地方需要静态化要在一开始就考虑,访问量大了之后,再高考虑,就迟了,由动态化转为静态化,会有很多历史问题。 C) what page where need static to at the beginning consideration, traffic big, then high consideration, is late, the dynamic into static, there will be a lot of history. 5.分栏(Points column) a)首页选4栏?还是3栏? A) home page choose 4 bar? Or 3 bar? b)正文页多用2栏。 B) the text page multi-purpose 2 column. c)“纵向逻辑”是指将相近的内容从上至下排列,而不是从左向右排列。如果读者对这方面内容感兴趣,他会从上至下,逐行阅读。这样可充分力利用首屏,让首页增多从上至下阅读的可能。 C) "longitudinal logic" it is to point to will close from up to down content arrangement, not from left to right alignment. If readers on the content interested, he will from go up to below, line by reading. This can make full use of force in the first screen, let more home page from up to down the possibility of reading. d)避免一栏太强,一栏太弱。通过图片、套红等手段进行调控。平均使用读者主意力。使读者不敢放过左中右任何一栏。 D) avoid column is too strong, a bar is too weak. Through the pictures, TaoGong means of control. The average reader idea use force. Make the reader can't let go of any one like the column. 6.图片(pictures) a)一图胜千言。十分必要时才用。因为图片的编辑成本和带宽成本都比较文字高很多。 A) a figure-thousand words. When it is necessary to use. Because the picture editor cost and bandwidth cost is high many words. b)在目录页的图,小点,再小点,多用特写;小分辨率,能看就行。在正文页的图,保证清晰,美观。正文页有的是版面。 B) in the directory page figure, little point, again small point, multi-purpose features; Small resolution, can see will do. In the text page figure, ensure that clear, beautiful. The text page have a plenty of layout. c)正文页在5屏之内,尽量不要分页。让读者一次读完。 C) text page within 5 screen, try not to page. Let the reader a finished reading it. 7.导航条与网站地图(A navigation bar and the site map) a)导航条是网站的门牌号码,不能随意更改。否则,读者会迷路,找不到他原来看的内容。 A) navigation is a number of web sites and may not be changed. Otherwise, the reader will get lost, he can't find the content of the original look. b)导航条上的分类名的前后次序要兼顾重点和读者阅读逻辑,即归类摆放。 B) navigation in the classified name to give the sequence point and the readers' reading logic, which put classified. c)导航条最多三行。最好二行。太多行显重。 C) navigation bar up to three lines. The best two lines. Too much do show heavy. d)导航的更多,就是网站地图。网站地图的摘要版可以放在网站底部,成为底部导航。网站的底部导航,很有必要。其好处是:1、可放多行,利于seo优化;2、可形成网站底部的阅读重点。将读者从首屏带到最后一屏,期间会增加很多点击。 D) navigation, the more is the site map. The site map of the version can be placed at the bottom website, become the bottom navigation. The bottom of the site navigation, it is very necessary. Its advantage is: 1, can put more lines, beneficial to the SEO optimization; 2, can form at the bottom of the website read key. From the first screen reader to last screen, will increase a lot during the click. e)主导航和频道导航:主导航每页都有,频道导航只在本频道页面出现。 E) capital navigation and the channel navigation: capital navigation each page, channel navigation channel in only in this page. 8.首页更新成本(Home page updated cost) a)首页设计不能只考虑美观、协调,要考虑24小时更新一遍之要求。更新是网站的生命,一定要最大限度地降低首页更新成本。 A) home page design can not only consider beautiful, harmonious, want to consider the 24 hours of the update again requirements. The update is the life of the web site, be sure to maximize reduce home page updated cost. b)交叉自动同步更新的设计,可有效降低各种首页更新成本,给读者内容丰富即时的感觉。 B) cross automatic update the design, can effectively reduce the various home page updated cost, give the reader with rich content of instant feeling. c)更新即时的首页是网站的资源,因为是资源,更多的标题会拥上这个首页。如此,正循环,这个首页也就火了。更新不即时的首页是网站的鸡肋,会越来越寂寞,最终会被荒废。 C) update on the front page of the website is instant resources, because is the resource, more title will wrap on the front page. So, are circulation, the home page is fire. Update not instant of the home page of the website is poor, will be more and more lonely, it will eventually be wasted. d)每个首页的设计成至少要有一个读者点击进去的理由。即时更新比独家内容成本低。 D) each into the design of the front page to have at least a readers click in reason. Updating the exclusive content than the cost is low. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司商企云http://www.1558.cn/



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