

商企云 | 2021-07-07 | 分享至:
北京网站设计公司商企云整合网络营销国人在线专家认为,企业网站建设好后,仅仅只是企业应用互联网的开始。要真正得到收效,很大一部分工作是在后面的网站推广、网络营销以及对客户的网络应用知识的培训上。 Beijing website design company luxuries Chinese network marketing people online expert thinks, enterprise website construction, only the enterprise application Internet start. To really get the effect, a large part of the work is at the back of the website promotion, marketing network and customer network application knowledge training. 网站建设完成以后,还需要一个完善的售后服务体系,网站建设和网络营销是一个持续的工作,因此售后服务非常重要。今天我们来系统的说明一下网站建设售后服务都包括哪些方面: Website construction completed, also need a perfect after sale service system, website construction and network marketing is a continuous work, so the after sale service is very important. Today we explain the customer service system of website construction services which include: 一、域名维护(Domain maintenance) 域名一般很少出问题,但不排除出现问题的可能性(就连百度的域名也曾在2010年就出现过故障),所以说域名维护还是有必要的,域名维护主要指当域名出现故障时要及时提供备用解决方案,让网站能够临时正常访问,另外要尽快解决域名故障,恢复域名的正常使用和访问。 The domain name is rarely a problem, but not eliminate problems ( even the possibility of Baidu domain had appeared in 2010, so that a fault ) domain maintenance is necessary, when the domain name domain name maintenance mainly refers to the failure to timely provide a backup solution, let a website to temporary normal access, in addition to as soon as possible domain name server domain name domain fault, restore normal use and access. 二、空间维护(Space maintenance) 空间维护是网站售后服务的重点,目前还没有任何一家互联网公司提供空间服务在一年内不出现任何问题,网络的具有一定的不稳定性是公认的,除了黑客攻击外,诸如电信机房网络线路故障、电脑系统软件故障、电脑硬件(如硬盘损害)等,另外还有一些政策原因,例如在2009年之前,网站备案与备案完全属于自愿,不影响任何使用。但在2009年下半年,国家互联网信息管理中心(CNNIC)突然严打未备案的网站,国内被关闭的网站比比皆是,先不说小型企业网站,大型网站都曾被强制性关闭。 Space maintenance is the site of after sale service point, there is no a Internet Co providing space service in one year without any problems, the network has certain instability is recognized, in addition to hacker attacks, such as room of telecommunication network fault, computer software malfunction, computer hardware (such as a hard disk damage )., in addition to a number of policy reasons, for example, before 2009, the website and record entirely voluntary, does not affect any use. But in the second half of 2009, the national Internet Information Management Center ( CNNIC ) sudden strike without the filing of the site, the site was closed meet the eye everywhere, do not say first small business website, large sites have been forced off. 而且,北京网站建设公司发现自2009年底一直到现在,国家备案政策不断的在改变,起初是必须提交资料(真假并不审核,只要有备案号就可以);然后发展到必须快递公司营业执照或负责人身份证件;后来又发展到电话审核,如果发现备案信息资料不真实甚至电话不能拨通(也行正赶上手机没电或不方便接听电话),那么对不起,备案取消,网站关闭;最近几天(2011年3月)部分地区有文件下达,备案需要按手印。 Moreover, Beijing website construction company found since the end of 2009 until now, national record policy has been changing, first must submit information ( and not audit, as long as there is a record number can ); and then progress to must courier company business license or responsible person identity documents; and later development to a telephone audit, if found the record information is not true or not dial telephone ( mobile phone line was caught without electricity or not convenient to answer the call ), so sorry, for cancellation, the site closed; in recent days ( 2011 March) in some parts of documents issued, according to the fingerprint filing. 众多不可控因素,使得网站不太可能365天每天正常,那么网站被关闭后,还有没有什么办法可以让网站“死里逃生”呢?答案是有的。解决方法如下: Many uncontrollable factors, makes the site is unlikely to 365 days is normal, then the site was closed, there is no way to make the website " take escape from death "? The answer is yes. Solution methods are as follows: 方法1、如果您的网站是.COM/.NET/ORG等类的域名,则可以购买国外的网站空间(可能要花点银子,我公司客户可以免费享受这项服务),把网站数据放到国外网站空间上,网站即可正常访问;然后还有及时的解决域名备案(网站空间备案)的问题;找到备案被取消的原因,第一时间解决。 Method 1, if your site is .COM/.NET/ORG kind of domain name, you can buy foreign website space ( may have to spend some money, our customers can enjoy free access to this service ), the website data on foreign website space, website can normally access; and then there is the timely resolution of the domain name record ( web space record the problem of finding ); the record was cancelled, the first time to solve. 方法2、如果不巧您是域名是.CN的域名,可能就无法使用方法1的方式来解决,有时CN域名被取消备案可能域名就无法解析使用了(有的还可以正常解析)。这样只能重新购买新的域名,购买新的国外网站空间,然后按照方法1来解决。 Method 2, if unfortunately you are the domain name is.CN domain name, may not be able to use 1 way, sometimes CN domain was to cancel the filing may domain cannot parse ( some can also use normal analysis). This can only buy new domain, the purchase of new foreign website space, and then in accordance with the 1 methods to solve. 三、网站系统维护(Web site system maintenance) 网站系统维护主要是当网站被误操作(如误删除)时,如何恢复到正常状态;以及有些地方可能随着企业的发展需要局部地方小修改一下,这一点不同的网站建设公司有不同的服务标准。 Website system maintenance is mainly when the site was mistaken operation ( such as deleted ), how to return to a normal state; and in some places may with the development of enterprises need local small local change, a different site construction companies have different service standard. 本文发布于商企云UEO营销型网站建设公司http://www.1558.cn/



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